Beetroot powder: Health benefits, uses, side effects, and more - Medical News Today

Beetroot powder is a functional food containing micronutrients and phytonutrients that experts suggest may have heart, gut, and brain health benefits.

People can add beetroot powder to recipes such as sauces, smoothies, and doughs. It has a mild, slightly sweet taste that pairs well with other food.

Some individuals may experience side effects from beetroot powder when consuming excessive amounts. Beetroot powder is rich in nitrates, but high nitrate levels in the body can casue possible long-term consequences.

Read on to learn about the benefits and side effects of beetroot powder, nutrition information, dosage, how to consume it, and more.

Food manufacturers previously only used beetroot powder as a food additive. However, the different components of beetroot powder are receiving increasing attention for their biological activity.

Betalain, a plant nutrient found in beetroot powder, helps reduce oxidative and nitrative stress. Oxidative and nitrative stress comes from the presence of reactive oxygen or nitrogen species in the body. These chemicals can damage cells and DNA.

Inflammation often accompanies oxidative and nitrative stress.

When inflammation becomes chronic, people may develop long-term diseases such as obesity, autoimmune disorders, and diabetes. As an antioxidant, researchers say that antioxidants, such as betalain, search for free radicals in the body that can cause damage and counters their effects.

It also helps cells defend themselves from stressors.

Research from 2021 also suggests that the nitrates found in beetroot powder may improve athletic performance and lower muscle soreness after certain exercises.

However, not all forms of exercise benefit from nitrate-rich foods such as beetroot powder. It may benefit aerobic exercise, but researchers are still determining the exact mechanism that improves exercise performance.

Some theories suggest that beetroot powder regulates gene expression and cells' mitochondria content and improves neuromuscular efficiency. However, further studies are needed to confirm these mechanisms.

Other benefits of beetroot powder that researchers explored in studies include:

  • lowering blood pressure
  • lowering blood cholesterol and fatty acids
  • lowering blood sugar
  • protecting liver and kidney function
  • improving behavior and attention
  • preventing tumor formation and growth

Further research is necessary to describe the best way to take beetroot powder for its various health benefits. However, beetroot is a generally healthy addition to a person's diet.

The following table lists the nutritional information of 100 grams (g) of beetroot powder.

Beetroot powder also contains biologically active plant nutrients called phytonutrients. These phytonutrients may play a role in lowering a person's risk of chronic diseases.

Phytonutrients found in beetroot powder include:

Determining the dosage required to gain the benefits of beetroot powder is challenging. Different products suggest different doses to achieve various effects, and studies on the health benefits of beetroot powder do not specify the dosage required to achieve results.

Suggested doses usually appear on the product label.

Some products recommend 3–6 g of powder, while others suggest taking 2–3 teaspoons. On beetroot juice products — usually intended for athletes — manufacturers may suggest drinking 140 milliliters per day.

While the listed doses may be safe, researchers cannot confirm that these doses provide health benefits to everyone. Individuals should consult a healthcare professional before trying beetroot powder, especially if they take other medications or have health conditions.

The side effects of using beetroot powder are typically mild and short term. However, consuming large amounts of beetroot powder increases the risk of having side effects.

People may have red or black colored stools and pink or red urine when eating more beets or beet products. These are usual side effects and are not harmful.

While side effects are typically mild, the proposed benefits of beetroot powder are not guaranteed. Additionally, taking too much beetroot juice may increase blood levels of nitrates. This can encourage the formation of N-nitroso compounds (NOCs), which can be carcinogenic chemicals that induce additional side effects.

It is also important to note that not all antioxidants benefit health, as determined by an older, large clinical trial. With various factors to consider, it is challenging for researchers to isolate a single antioxidant component in food that provides a certain health benefit.

People concerned about the side effects of beetroot powder should speak with a doctor before deciding to supplement.

People can buy beetroot in various forms.

It comes as a powder that people can add to sauces, gravies, soups, or beverages. Adding it to fresh pasta, pizza, or bread dough can dramatically change the color while providing various possible health benefits.

Beetroot smoothies may be a suitable way to get a large dose in the morning for breakfast.

Some athletes drink beetroot juice because manufacturers market their products specifically for improving athletic performance. These commercialized products may have other ingredients that people should be aware of, such as added sugar.

Beetroot powder is a versatile food product that people can easily add to their diet.

While studies have extensively explored its benefits, it is not yet clear how beneficial beetroot powder is on chronic diseases and athletic performance. In appropriate amounts, it is a generally safe food supplement.

Researchers are still determining the mechanisms explaining the benefits of beetroot powder and the required dose to achieve these benefits.


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