Why It's Sometimes Difficult To Find Beef Short Ribs - Daily Meal

Short ribs often aren't available in the meat section of the grocery store; you usually have to go to the beef counter, where you're lucky if your grocer has them. According to BBQ Host, that could have everything to do with where you live. The outlet says that beef short ribs are sometimes difficult to find outside the Midwest region of the U.S. because this type of meat is often reserved for specialty stores or restaurants. So, while a specialty butcher might have them, you'll be hard-pressed to find them at your local Kroger. Certain high-end grocery chains, such as Whole Foods, are more likely to stock this cut of meat — but you'll pay a premium for it.
Plus, beef "dino" ribs, which are entire beef short ribs that aren't cut at all, are even harder to find, according to Martha Stewart, because of their incredible size.
Whether you're searching for dino ribs or short ribs that have been cut, don't confuse them with beef back ribs. According to BBQ Host, these ribs are shaped more like pork ribs (but they're longer, and the meat is in between the bones).
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