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My Sister Wants My Daughter To Pay For 2-week-old Cake She Ate While Babysitting

Sisters Lily* and Claudia* have been doing things together forever. Even when they welcomed kids of their own, they always made an effort to spend quality time together, even if it's just for an afternoon.

Lily's daughter, Kylie* is 17 and loves babysitting her younger cousins, nine-year-old Mia* and seven-year-old Nathan*. 

Whenever Lily's mom and aunt head out for an evening on the weekend, Kylie is more than happy to babysit Claudia's kids, especially after receiving $30-40 cash in hand as payment. 

Teen's aunt demands compensation for two slices of cake 

"She likes having the extra money to fund her Starbucks addiction without a part-time job in fast food or retail," Kylie's mom, Lily, said on Reddit, adding the two kids she babysits "love getting to see her."  

A woman wants her niece to pay for the leftover cake she ate while babysitting. Getty Images

"I'm glad that she's getting to learn responsibility. I think it's a win all around."

Last weekend Lily and her sister Claudia planned to go out for the afternoon, and Kylie was set to babysit as usual. 

"A couple hours after [Kylie] came home from babysitting, my sister calls me," Lily said.

Two weeks earlier, the family celebrated Mia's ninth birthday, sharing a delicious lemon curd cake during the day. 

"It was a custom-made fancy lemon curd cake and I remember at the party a lot of the kids didn't want to eat it so a lot was leftover," she said.

Leftover slices were left in a bread tin, and while Kylie was babysitting her cousins, she felt hungry and helped herself to two pieces of cake. 

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Claudia was furious when she learned her niece had taken a few slices for herself while watching the kids.

"My sister said that she should've asked before helping herself to the cake and that it was expensive," Lily wrote. "I apologized to my sister and told her that I would have a word with my daughter."

But that wasn't good enough for Claudia, who once again mentioned that the "cake was custom-made and expensive." 

Then she told Lily she should "compensate her" for the missing slices. 

"At first I honestly thought she couldn't be serious, but she did want me to give her money because of the cake," Lily said. 

Her niece frequently watches her cousins as a way to bond and make a little extra cash. Getty Images/iStockphoto

She made it clear she would not be giving her sister money for the cake, considering it would probably already be stale after sitting in the bread tin for two weeks. 

Claudia wasn't letting up, explaining that she spent $75 for the cake, and 17yo Kylie had eaten roughly $21 worth of slices. 

"My sister says I'm being inconsiderate and that my daughter ate the slices without permission," Lily said. 

"What difference would it have made if all of it got eaten last weekend or at the birthday party?"

"Two-week-old cake is garbage;  your daughter is family."

People on Reddit couldn't believe Claudia would make such requests and argued the compensation demand was unreasonable. 

"Your sister is being extremely petty," said another. "Two-week-old cake is garbage. Your daughter is family. Your sister should be happy that the cake didn't end up in the bin."

The community suggested Lily keep the peace by paying the requested amount but refusing to let her daughter ever babysit again unless certain rules were agreed to beforehand. 

"Next time they need her to babysit, make sure your daughter charges them the full amount of babysitter for each child," read a comment. 

The age of the cake also got people talking. 

"Two-week-old cake?" someone asked. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's depreciated by now. Offer her fifty cents and a coupon for a cupcake from the supermarket."

"Sorry, buddy. The second this cake left the lot it was worth at best $3 a slice," said another. "I could go to maybe $4 if we work it out in trade." 

"Was [Claudia] expecting all the party guests to pitch in for this expensive cake? Very likely not," wrote a third. 

Woman Baffled After Sister Demands Payment Because Her Daughter Ate Leftover Cake

A sister is gobsmacked that she's being charged for the two slices of cake her daughter ate while babysitting her cousins - and has caused tension with her sibling for refusing

She is refusing to pay her sister as the cake would have gone stale (stock photo)(Getty Images/Image Source)

Sibling clashes can make things pretty awkward at the best of times, but one woman can't believe her sister is making her pay her for the two slices of cake her daughter ate while babysitting.

She shared how her sister Claudia is demanding she coughs up €20 (£17) for the slices of left over birthday cake her daughter Carly ate as the cake was expensive.

The sisters, who live close by and generally a close knit-family, have butted heads over the issue, as she is refusing to pay Claudia as she feels as if Carly didn't do anything wrong - and feels it's unfair as the cake would have gone stale.

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  • She took to Reddit to ask if she was in the wrong by refusing to pay. She explained: "Carly sometimes babysits her cousins on the weekends so that my sister and BIL can go out, usually for 3-4 hours. In exchange, my sister gives her €30-€40, cash in hand." The mum then clarified her daughter will volunteer - and that she's never made to do it.

    "She likes having the extra money to fund her Starbucks addiction without a part-time job in fast food or retail, plus the kids love getting to see her. I'm glad that she's getting to learn responsibility. I think it's a win all around. Last weekend there was a problem. A couple hours after Carly came home from babysitting, my sister calls me.

    "It was my niece's birthday 2ish weeks ago, and there was some leftover birthday cake in their kitchen. It was a custom-made fancy lemon curd cake and I remember at the party a lot of the kids didn't want to eat it so a lot was leftover. Whilst she was babysitting, Carly had eaten two slices," she added.

    However she claimed her sister said Carly "should have asked before helping herself to the cake" and told her it was an expensive cake. She apologised to her sister and said she'd have a word with her daughter but said that her sister "mentioned again that the cake was custom-made and expensive" and that's when she said she should be "compensated".

    "At first I honestly thought she couldn't be serious, but she did want me to give her money because of the cake. I mentioned that surely the cake is going bad soon if it isn't already stale (I said this light-heartedly trying to lighten the mood) but made it clear IM NOT GIVING HER MONEY. She says she paid €70 (£60) for the cake and she expects me to give her €20 (£17). I told her I'm not doing that.

    "My sister says I'm being inconsiderate, and that my daughter ate the slices without permission. I feel like she is being petty, and what difference would it have made if all of it got eaten last weekend or at the birthday party?" And asked if she was in the wrong for refusing to pay.

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    Redditors chimed in with their thoughts and the general consensus was that the sister was in the wrong and she shouldn't pay for the slices. One user penned: "The cake was being kept at room temperature in a bread box on the counter. After two weeks, it really wasn't even a viable edible item anymore, let alone one with monetary value. Your daughter is lucky she didn't get food poisoning."

    Another added: "Your sister is being extremely petty. She's upset because her niece, not a random person, ate 2 week old cake. 2 week old cake is garbage. Your daughter is family. Your sister should be happy that the cake didn't end up in the bin. She's has been getting discount baby-sitting from her niece. Tell her that based on her behavior, she's obviously looking for ways to find fault with her niece so she can steal back half her niece's pay."

    Do you have a story to share? Email niamh.Kirk@reachplc.Com

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  • 5-year-old Uses Piggy Bank Money To Give Cake, New Year's Cards To Nursing Home Residents

    Hundreds of nursing home residents in New York received handmade best wishes for 2021 thanks to the kindness of a 5-year-old girl.

    Aryana Chopra, 5, of Vestal, New York, spent her winter vacation making 200 New Year's cards for the residents of a local nursing home.

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    "I just wanted to cheer them up because they cannot meet their friends and family because of the coronavirus," Aryana told "Good Morning America." "I decorated my cards with writing and colorful drawings."

    Aryana's mom, Shachi Chopra, told "GMA" she saw her daughter making cards one day and asked her what she was doing. When Aryana told her she wanted to give the cards to people in a nursing home, Chopra contacted a local nursing home and asked how many people resided there.

    Aryana Chopra, 5, of Vestal, N.Y., used her own piggy bank money to deliver gifts and New Year's cards to nursing home residents.

    Courtesy Nitin Chopra

    Aryana was not daunted by the number, 200, according to Chopra.

    "I asked Aryana, 'Can you make 200 cards,' and she said, 'Oh yes I can,'" Chopra recalled.

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    Once Aryana starting making the handmade cards she decided she wanted to do more, and used money from her piggy bank to buy the residents a New Year's cake as well as a decorative Santa Claus and a vase, according to Chopra.

    Aryana Chopra, 5, used her own piggy bank money to deliver gifts and New Year's cards to nursing home residents.

    Courtesy Nitin Chopra

    "My heart actually melted," Chopra said of her reaction to Aryana's good deed. "She has such a kind heart and really wants to be generous. I was amazed by her thinking."

    Chopra delivered the gifts from Aryana to the nursing home this week, and the family has already received photos from the nursing home of the residents reading the cards, with huge smiles on their faces, according to Chopra.

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    Aryana said she hopes to keep in touch with the nursing home residents and visit them in person once it is safe to do so.

    Aryana Chopra, 5, used her own piggy bank money to deliver gifts and New Year's cards to nursing home residents.

    Courtesy Nitin Chopra

    "I want to go meet them in the nursing home and see how they feel after seeing my 200 cards," she said.


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